Thursday, 5 April 2012

Know all the Windows Server 2008 Command Line Tools

Windows Server 2008 provides the user with the option to execute commands from a command-prompt window. This chapter of Windows Server 2008 Essentials is intended to provide an overview of the different commands currently provided in the command-prompt.
Command Line Tools Summary
Arp Display and modify the IP to physical address translation tables used by the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP).
Assoc Display and modify file extension associations.
Attrib Display and change file attributes.
Break Configure extended Ctrl-C checking.
Bcdedit Configure properties in name database to control boot loading.
Cacls Display or modify access control lists of files.
Call Call a script or script label as a procedure.
CD/Chdir Display the name of or changes the current directory.
Chcp Display or set the active code page number.
Chkdsk Check a disk for errors and display a report.
Chkntfs Display the status of volumes. Set or exclude volumes from automatic system checking during system boot.
Choice Create a selection list from which users can select a choice in batch scripts.
Cls Clear the console window.
Cmd Start a new instance of the Windows command shell.
Color Set the colors of the command-shell window.
Comp Compare the contents of two files or sets of files.
Compact Display or modify the compression of files or sets of files.
Convert Convert FAT volumes to NTFS.
Copy Copy or combine files.
Date Display or set the system date.
Del Delete one or more files.
Dir Display a list of files and subdirectories within a directory.
Diskcomp Compare the contents of two floppy disks.
Diskcopy Copy the contents of one floppy disk to another.
Diskpart Invoke a text-mode command interpreter so that you can manage disks, partitions, and volumes using a separate command prompt and commands that are internal to Diskpart.
Doskey Edit command lines, recall Windows commands, and create macros.
Driverquery Display the current device driver properties and status.
Echo Display messages, or turns command echoing on or off.
Endlocal End localization of environment changes in a batch file.
Erase See Del.
Exit Exit the command interpreter.
Expand Uncompress files.
FC Compare two files and display the differences between them.
Find/Findstr Search for a text string in files.
For Run a specified command for each file in a set of files.
Format Format a floppy disk or hard drive.
Fsutil File system utility - displays and configures file system properties.
Ftp Transfer files.
Ftype Display or modify file types used in file extension associations
Goto Direct the Windows command interpreter to a labeled line in a script.
Gpresult Display Group Policy information for a machine or user.
Graftabl Enable Windows to display extended character sets in graphics mode.
Help Display Help information for Windows commands.
Hostname Display the computer name.
ICACLS Display, modify, backup, and restore ACLs for files and directories.
IF Perform conditional processing in batch programs.
Ipconfig Display TCP/IP configuration.
Label Create, change, or delete the volume label of a disk.
Md/Mkdir Create a directory or subdirectory.
Mklink Create symbolic and hard links.
Mode Configure a system device.
More Display output one screen at a time.
Mountvol Manage a volume mount point.
Move Move files from one directory to another directory on the same drive.
Openfiles Display files opened by remote users for a file share.
Nbtstat Display status of NetBIOS.
Net Accounts Manage user account and password policies.
Net Computer Add or remove computers from a domain.
Net ConfigServer Display or modify configuration of Server service.
Net Config Workstation Display or modify configuration of Workstation service.
Net Continue Resume a paused service.
Net File Display or manage open files on a server.
Net Group Display or manage global groups.
Net Localgroup Display or manage local group accounts.
Net Pause Suspend a service.
Net Print Display or manage print jobs and shared queues.
Net Session List or disconnect sessions.
Net Share Display or manage shared printers and directories.
Net Start List or start network services.
Net Statistics Display workstation and server statistics.
Net Stop Stop services.
Net Time Display or synchronize network time.
Net Use Display or manage remote connections.
Net User Display or manage local user accounts.
Net View Display network resources or computers.
Netsh Invoke a separate command prompt that allows you to manage the configuration of various network services on local and remote computers.
Netstat Display status of network connections.
Path Display or set a search path for executable files in the current command window.
Pathping Trace routes and provides packet loss information.
Pause Suspend processing of a script and wait for keyboard input.
Ping Determine if a network connection can be established.
Popd Change to the directory stored by Pushd.
Print Print a text file.
Prompt Change the Windows command prompt.
Pushd Save the current directory then changes to a new directory.
Rd/Rmdir Remove a directory.
Recover Recover readable information from a bad or defective disk.
Reg Add Add a new subkey or entry to the Registry.
Reg Compare Compare Registry subkeys or entries.
Reg Copy Copy a Registry entry to a specified key path on a local or remote system.
Reg Delete Delete a subkey or entries from the Registry.
Reg Query List the entries under a key and the names of subkeys (if any).
Reg Restore Write saved subkeys and entries back to the Registry.
Reg Save Save a copy of specified subkeys, entries, and values to a file.
Regsvr32 Register and unregister DLLs.
Rem Add comments to scripts.
Ren Rename a file.
Replace Replace a file.
Route Manage network routing tables.
Rmdir Remove a directory.
Set Display or modify Windows environment variables. Also used to evaluate numeric expressions at the command line.
Setlocal Begin localization of environment changes in a batch file.
Sc Display and configure background processes (services).
Schtasks Schedule commands and programs to run on a system.
Sfc Scans and verifies protected operating system files.
Shift Shifts the position of replaceable parameters in scripts.
Shutdown Perform system shutdown.
Sort Sort input.
Start Start a new command-shell window to run a specified program or command.
Subst Maps a path to a drive letter.
Systeminfo Display machine properties and configuration.
Tasklist Display currently running tasks and services.
Taskkill Kill or stop a running process or application.
Time Display or sets the system time.
Title Sets the title for the command-shell window.
Tracert Display the path between computers.
Tree Graphically displays the directory structure of a drive or path.
Type Display the contents of a text file.
Ver Display the Windows version.
Verify Tells Windows whether to verify that your files are written correctly to a disk.
Vol Display a disk volume label and serial number.
Xcopy Copy files and directories.
WMI Display WMI information.

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